How to make money with ATM business?

Money never sleeps. I think motivation is a big one. I’ve gotten complacent a few times over the years / taken a break from expanding because of not wanting to stretch myself too thin but it sure feels good when im roaring on all cylinders. Setting monthly transaction records while adding location after location.

In July my 3rd and 6th most lucrative locations went on a month long vacation, and i pulled a few under performing machines that were far away so still required 5k each. I was sitting on like 25k extra weekend vault cash ready to relax and take extra long weekends and was down to 62 locations temp (really 64) and next thing i know i am rolling into December with 81 locations. While 7 of them were locations I landed on my own / bought 1 location, the rest are vaults i took on mainly from people from this group.

While i kind of feel a little stretch again, it should only be temporary as the extra cash flow streams in.

I’ll admit i was jealous of a few of you little guys landing new spots with a caption like (8th location in my first year) while i was trending in the wrong direction. Long story short this group has been great for networking and motivation.